Episode 1 – Fresh Out of College and Broke

Episode 1 – Fresh Out of College and Broke

Featured Photo: The Croatians always told us that they had some of the best sunsets in the world. Kind of hard to deny. – Sam Mobley

Description: The start of it all! Finishing college and broke, and Croatian adventures of a drone TV Show.  

Behind the Episode


Not the best graph to start off the first post with but I thought it related pretty well. I feel like a lot of us know the feeling of counting down the days until you get that next student loan financial aid dispersement. For a lot of us its a key to getting through college but when you graduate then what? It all settles on the job that you end up with and how much you’ll be making.

Sam Attended Oregon State University On-Campus for two years, and is currently finishing up his degree in Economics online.

Jacob graduated from California Lutheran University with a Bachelors of Arts Degree with an emphasis on High Definition Cinema.


The best apartments ever!
If anyone is planning on going to Croatia I would definitely recommend

This is our drone we built for our first competition, it went through many changes throughout the show, and was eventually sacrificed for the good others but it did well.

By far the craziest waterfalls I have ever seen in my life. This was at Krka National Park

And of course we can’t forget the rabbit kid. This picture was taken as we were packing up our truck at the end of the day. About an hour after we had initially seen him, he re-appeared on a bike this time just to see what we were up to again, and before we knew it he was gone again.

Overall Croatia is an amazing plane and we had and amazing time and we’ll post many more stories from the trip.

For and questions, comments, or concerns please let up know here!